The Game Changerz




Through a weekly schedule of donations from local companies, FareShare and the generosity of those that can spare an extra bag of pasta or a tin of beans whilst shopping, we aim to provide a service whereby those in need can access food provisions.

When children visit us, we ensure they leave with some food for themselves and their family! Through a weekly schedule of donations from local companies, FareShare and the generosity of those that can spare an extra bag of pasta or a tin of beans whilst shopping, we aim to provide a service whereby those in need can access food provisions. Access to FoodShare is open to everyone, no food bank / social referrals are needed.  All we ask is that you take what you need and can use so there is enough for everyone.


Our Foodshare takes place every
Saturday morning from 10am

Fieldhead Co-Location Centre,
Fieldhead Cresent,
WF17 9BP

Last Foodshare of 2021
Saturday 18th December
From 10am

First Foodshare of 2022
Saturday 8th January
From 10am

Don't forget to bring your carrier bags

Over 60s Christmas Lunch

Over 60s Christmas Lunch
Over 60s Christmas Lunch

Over 60s Christmas Lunch

 On Tuesday 14th December from 1pm, we will be hosting our first ever over 60s Christmas Lunch just £8.00pp for a four course meal.


Sample Menu below:


Vegetable soup with freshly baked white or brown bread rolls

Main Course

Roast Turkey with seasonal vegetables, stuffing and pigs in blankets.
Vegan Nut Roast with seasonal vegetables.


Luxury Christmas Pudding with brandy sauce
Chocolate Fudge Cake with ice cream


Tea or Coffee with after dinner mints or a mince pie

***Limited spaces available***

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